Shared Resources

We encourage you to consider sharing a personal resource with the DET HPE community. Before sharing your resource to the Active Schools Online Community library, consider the following criteria. Please do not see these as a barrier but as “guidance” to ensure your resource will be readily used by our community. Any resources shared need to be approved by an Active Schools ESS member before becoming public.

If presenting a lesson or unit plan please use a structured format. We do have a template example you can use as presented or modified to suit your needs.

Criteria 1- How is your resource linked to the Victorian Curriculum?  

Considerations: For example - Level(s), Content Descriptions, Learning Intentions, Success Criteria, Assessment. 

Criteria 2- Does your resource allow all students opportunities to participate, be successful and engaged? 

Considerations: Inclusive of a range of student abilities and interests, challenges, modifications and safety, variety of equipment. 

Criteria 3- How is your resource (lesson/unit) structured? 

Considerations: Presents a range of activities, challenges, scenarios tasks and/or games. Lesson includes: tuning in (e.g unofficial start, warm up); structured to engage students through pairs, circuits, use of stations, small groups, small-sided games, playing area rotations, opportunities for reflection. 

Criteria 4 – Was the material developed by yourself and your colleagues or largely sourced from another resource? 

Considerations: All resources should have the author referenced. Resources developed by commercial providers should not be uploaded into the library. 


Resource List